Party of 1??

Sometimes life sucks! I’m not being negative.  I’m not being positive, rather, realistic. As well-meaning as my family and friends are by providing warm words of encouragement, I can’t help but think, why can’t someone just agree with me that yes KP it does suck, and commiserate with me over a pint of Ben and Jerry’s??? 

We all have crappy days, and disappointments in life.  Sometimes as humans we just need to wallow in our misery, and not be reminded that we have it so much better than Sally who got the botched boob job, or Lisa whose bad dye job resulted in clumpy hair loss, or Steve whose playboy ways resulted in the Clap.

I’m guilty of being that friend. The way too perky cheerleader. The somber voice of reason.  I have good intentions, and I really am trying to cheer my pal up. It is in my current life sucks, it’s not fair cloudy outlook that I realize that’s not what they want to hear. It’s not what I want to hear. I know and believe in my heart all of those words are true, because I am smart enough and grounded enough to understand that.  However, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want my shed-a-tear-or-two-bitch-a-little-build-myself-up-knock-others-down-pity party.

Years ago, in my youth I had a friend who understood this. She and I had an unspoken pact, it became our little ritual.  Boy trouble? Trouble with the parents? Friend drama? There was no issue in the world that couldn’t be solved with a trip to 7-11. A couple of pints of Ben and Jerry’s later we were headed home to solve the problems of the world. Sure we were young and a little dumb. But there was something about the combination of the heath toffee crunch, and my best friends validation that yes it did suck, that made everything all better.  Maybe it was just the brain freeze??

An hour later as we scraped the bottom of the pint, the bitch-fest was complete, and it was back to life as normal.  Was it over indulgence? You bet!  Was it worth it? Hell yes! Now that we are all older and wiser, we seem to think that indulging in a little pity party is taboo. It makes us look weak or unbalanced.  In reality, everything in moderation is healthy. Even the occasional pity party. So to all of my friends I make to you this promise, the next time that you are having a bad day, Ben, Jerry, and I will be there for you.

Til next time…Peace Out!! KP

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